AR and VR Markets Set for Explosive Growth, Transforming Healthcare, Manufacturing and Consumer Industries
Global technology intelligence firm ABI Research forecasts that the Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) markets will grow by 60% and 44% from 2024 to 2030. Verticals poised for the largest growth include healthcare, manufacturing and consumer industries, with revenues of US$4 billion, US$8 billion and US$6 billion, respectively.
全球技術情報公司ABI Research預測,從2024年到2030年,增強現實(AR)和虛擬現實(VR)市場將分別增長60%和44%。醫療、制造和消費行業是增長快的領域,預計收入分別達到40億美元、80億美元和60億美元。
“A combination of AR/VR hardware and software advancements along with Artificial Intelligence (AI) are enhancing the capabilities of immersive applications, making them more effective and efficient. These augmented and virtual reality technologies have accelerated training times, providing immersive, real-time learning experiences that are both cost-effective and scalable. Together with continual improvements in hardware, allowing for more user-friendly devices, these factors are the driving forces behind the market's rapid growth,” explained Matilda Beinat, Augmented and Virtual Reality research analyst at ABI Research.
ABI Research的增強現實和虛擬現實研究分析師Matilda Beinat解釋道:“AR/VR硬件和軟件的進步,加上人工智能的發展,正在增強沉浸式應用的能力,使其更有效、更高效。這些增強和虛擬現實技術加速了培訓時間,提供了既具有成本效益又可擴展的沉浸式實時學習體驗。再加上硬件的持續改進,使設備更易于使用,這些因素共同推動了市場的快速增長。”
AR and VR have proven to be highly impactful for manufacturing, especially regarding training and data visualization. Companies like Aveva and Strivr have been leveraging AR and VR for training, simulations and creative designs and have seen improvements to knowledge retention of up to two times more than traditional methods. Medivis has been utilizing AR and VR for educating healthcare professionals, as well as for surgical procedures. Not only have enterprises seen the real benefits of using AR and VR, but the consumer sector has been developing significantly. XREAL, a leader in the consumer smart glasses segment, is expanding its stake in the market and leaning on spatial computing.
According to Beinat, “AR and VR are not a ‘hype’ technology. These technological advancements enhance productivity, drive innovation and open new opportunities for both business and consumer applications. The rapid expected growth in AR and VR markets is not accidental, with immersive technologies seeing adoption more readily across various industries.”
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